Ambassador of Germany to Khartoum reassures the strong German-Sudanese relations.
2018 24 Jan | Uncategorized

H.E The Ambassador of Germany to Khartoum Mr. Ulrich Kluckernen has reassured the strong German-Sudanese relations in all aspects with emphasis on the economic aspect .He outlined his country’s participation in the current session of the international fair of Khartoum.
In a press conference held yesterday 23rd Jan.2018 at German stand in pavilion No.2, the ambassador said the number of the participant companies are 11 some of them were operating in Sudan since 50 years ago, meanwhile, he called on the other German companies to invest in Sudan.
German Ambassador, Ulrich Kluckernen added in his press statement that the German companies are contributing to revitalize and develop Sudan’s economy. He further expressed his country’s support to Sudan in all domains .
He hoped that Sudan could take the advantage of the lift of the sanctions to contact the international financial institutions and corporations to write off the Sudan’s foreign debts.
The ambassador has disclosed that a German-Sudanese agricultural conference will be held in Khartoum with great emphasis on Sudan’s agricultural potentials and resources.
He finally concluded that Germany dispatches new companies to Sudan each year, elaborating further that German companies consider Sudan as a gateway to the African countries.